Claim Refund For CiS Contractors
CiS Contractors have tax deducted from payments made to you, these are passed onto HMRC and count as advance payments for subcontractor tax and NI. These deductions are made from your gross payments and do not consider any expenses or personal allowance you may be able to reclaim.
Most CiS workers end up overpaying tax without realising it, and would be due in most cases tax refunds running into ‘00’s of pounds.
At Taxpod Accountancy we can help you to produce your CiS Return with your own dedicated accountant, produce all the necessary CiS documentation, submit a fully compliant CiS Return with HMRC and represent you in the event of a CiS enquiry from HMRC.
- No upfront payment, we will deduct our fixed £180 fee from the HMRC refund
- No commission payable on refund
- Refund transferred to you within 24 hrs of being received
- Free advice and support to maximise refund due
Examples Of Allowable Expenses
Travelling Expenses – Actual Or Based On Milleage
Tools, Equipment And Materials
Protective Clothing And Training
Mobile Phone, Internet
Office Expenses E.G. Postage, Stationery, Professional Fees
Other Work Related Expense
How it works
Signup and Registration
Create profile on our portal containing your basic information and contact details
Complete Tax Profile
Share necessary information with us using our easy to use Tax portal including uploading any relevant documents, this includes appointing us as your agents
Accountant review
We review your uploaded information and prepare your Tax Return before uploading and draft Tax files for you to review
Review Drafts and Approve
You review the draft documents from us, notify us of any changes or approve them for filling
Online HMRC Submission
We file your Tax Return (SA100 / CT600) online with HMRC, share final copies and submission proof with you